The major challenge in most emerging countries is to extend digital services (voice, data, financial services, digital public services) and access to energy to rural areas. This extension to vast, remote areas where population density and income are generally low, poses serious problems of short-term profitability.
A fine geo-spatial analysis makes it possible to identify, characterise and classify areas by expected income level and to build, in all sectors, realistic and sustainable deployment programmes.
In urban areas, analysis by neighbourhood or group of buildings also allows better investment programming.
By combining its skills in technical and economic analysis with its mastery of digital mapping, Horus T&U has set up a range of services specifically adapted to network economies.
GIS-Based Strategy
We combine GIS data collection with extensive modelling to allow substantiated strategic decisions. Clients : Mobile and fixed telecom operators, energy actors, governments, international donors, regulation authority etc. Methods : GIS data collection, Modelling : making sense of data and developing assumptions to clarify the challenge understanding, SIG projections : mapping of demand per square km,… Impacts : better insights and clarification of issues with clear and interactive vizualiazation on maps for strategic decisions.
GIS-Based Operations
We combine GIS data collection with extensive modelling for operations assistance. Clients : Mobile and fixed telecom operators, energy actors, governments, international donors, regulation authority etc. Methods : GIS data collection, Modelling : making sense of data and developing assumptions to clarify the challenge understanding, SIG projections : mapping of demand per square km, mapping of operations context, of competition… Impacts : better insights and clarification of issues with clear and interactive vizualiazation on maps for operational decisions.
We combine socio-economic analysis with digital mapping for optimized marketing.
Clients : Mobile and fixed telecom operators, energy actors, governments, international donors, regulation authority etc.
Methods : GIS data collection, Modelling : making sense of data and developing assumptions to set-up demand model, revenue and potential revenue model, distribution strategy models, SIG projections : mapping of demand per square km, mapping of targeted marketing…
Impacts : precise insights to launch the appropriate product, at the appropriate place, with the appropriate pricing.
Our Value Added
Horus benefit from a unique combination of business & GIS technical expertise to answer accurately to business challenges with powerful and tailors-made tools that mix socio-economic analyses with spatial data.

Sector Expertise
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