Digital Financial Services


Mobile Financial Services & Digital Financial Services Strategy – Agent Network Optimization – Innovative Business Models

Digital financial services (Mobile Money, Mobile Banking & Branchless Banking) are at the center of emerging countries digital transformation. They are a growth and loyalty driver for telecom operators to face the ARPU erosion, they serve as a quasi-universal distribution channel for financial institutions wishing to reach a new segment at low costs and they participate in the financial inclusion strategy of most governments and international institutions.
However, for each of these players, digital financial services represent a bet, a risk, a distance from their traditional area of ​​expertise. In fact, most of these new services are struggling to reach their full potential: strategic, operational and human challenges are behind the innovative value proposition.
Horus T&U supports mobile operators, financial institutions and governments to make digital finance a success that meets the expectations it deserves. Agent Network Optimization

Strategic & Feasibility analysis for DFS & MFS

Horus T&U has participated in the launch of many mobile money services supporting for all the aspects : project and team management, product specifications, pricing, business model definition, commission plan, customer journey, focus group etc. Horus T&U is also involved in operational optimization of mobile money and of the distribution network thanks notably to its knowledge of the sector best practices. It advises DFS & MFS on strategic recommandations for mobile money flows development, human resource allocation, new commission plan, reporting setting up etc. Beyond mobile money, Horus T&U works with financial institutions pursuing a digitalization of products and networks for various topics as the optimization of the agent network through GIS analyses or feasibility and opportunity study for opening of new channels.