Sector Expertise
A strong expertise in the ICT sector with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and emerging markets combined with a significant track record in the field of Mobile Money & Payment, at the both policy-level (market research, enabling environment) as well as from a business perspective(pilot & commercial launch, distribution network strategy and optimization, marketig, etc.)
Horus T&U brings its deep knowledge of the telecom sector and leading Mobile Money deployments combined with knowledges on the financial inclusion, microfinance and branchless banking dimensions.
Horus T&U successfully completed a large number of DFS-related assignments on several continents
Being a pioneer of the new energy systems, mapping the demand for electricity and network of agents, Horus T&U supports you in the detection of new service opportunities and their mapping thanks to data and GIS which will play a fundamental role in guarantee the excellence of your operations.
Functional Expertise
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Sector Expertise
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